
Jumat, 18 November 2011

Hacking : Pro and Contra ?

Do you know what a hacker is? Well, a hacker is a person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems on computers and they like to stretch the capability of the systems. And you know what, the activities they do in the computers are called ‘hacking’.

So, what’s the problem with ‘hacking and its hackers’? Well, the problem is whether ‘hacking and its hackers’ is legal or illegal? What I mean is that people in the world have many different views about hacking and the hackers. Some of them take sides, but many object.

To get back to what I was saying previously, let us see the positive points of a hacker, shall we? Although in most places breaking into computer systems is considered illegal, I believe that hackers don’t do anything illegal because they only want to know and try the systems. I dare to say that a hacker likes finding the strengths and the weaknesses of a computer system. They feel proud if they can find the weaknesses. So I don’t really see the crimes in this case. In addition, these hackers sometimes help the police catch the ‘white collar criminals’, such as bank robbers, money launderers, credit card forgers. For example, in 2000, the U.S. hackers caught some Singaporean hackers who made ‘Virus Love’ to break up the programs of the U.S. National Security system.

Nevertheless, those who object to the good points of a hacker say that hacking is a crime. The reason is that some hackers use their brilliant skills to break into banks and other vital institutions where they can get money, destroy information, and the worst thing is they can get secret information and sell it to another country. This is a treachery.
Take for example, in 1994, The U.S. government broke a conspiracy of computer hackers out of Majorca, Spain. These hackers were responsible for accessing and eliminating 190,000 telephone credit card numbers over computer bulletin boards in America and Europe. Seeing this fact, I don’t blame those who think negatively about hackers.
To put the whole thing in a nut shell, I personally think that hackers are not bad people with their brilliant skills. However, they could be bad because of money orientation to get the wealth. That’s just the point.

The Effects of Acid Soil

Soils with a pH of less than 7.0 are acid. The lower the pH, the more acid the soil. When soil pH falls below 5.5, plant growth is affected. Crop yields decrease, reducing productivity

Soils provide water and nutrients for plant growth and development. Essential plant nutrients include phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and sulfur. Plants require other elements such as molybdenum, in smaller quantities. Some elements eg aluminium and manganese, are toxic to plants.

Nutrients become available to plants when they are dissolved in water. Plants are able to take up phosphate, nitrate, potassium and sulfate ions in solution.

The solubility of nitients changes with pH. In acid soils (low pH), molybdenum becomes less soluble and aluminium becomes more soluble. Therefore, plant growth may be affected by either a deficiency of molybdenum or too much aluminium.

Both crop and pasture plants are affected by acid soils. there may be a range of symptoms. Crops and pastures may be poorly established resulting in patchy and uneven growth. Plant leaves may go yellow and die at the tips. The root system of the plant may be stunted. Crops may yield less.

Plants vary in their sensitivity to low pH. Canola and lucerne are very sensitive to acid soils so do not grow well. Lupins and triticale are tolerant to soils of low pH so they still perform well.

Land can become unproductive if acid soil is left untreated. Incorporating lime into the soil raises the pH. Therefore, liming soil can reverse the effects of acid soil on plants and return a paddock to productivity.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

The Legend of Toba Lake

In a village in Sumatra, there lived a farmer. He was a farmer who diligently worked, although not large farm he have. He worked hard enough to get their needs. Actually he was already enough to get married, but he still chose to live alone. On a sunny morning, the farmers are fishing in the river.

"Hopefully today I got a big fish," the farmer whispered to himself.

Some time after the hook was thrown, that's fishhook wiggle. He immediately set the hook. The farmers cheer that after he got a big fish.

He was amazed at the beautiful colors of fish scales. Fish scales is yellow gold reddish. Her eyes are rounded and prominent, emit incredible rays.

"Wait, don't eat me! I'll be your friend if you not eat me."

Farmers are surprised to hear the sound of the fish. Because surprised, that fish fell to the ground. Shortly later, the fish is turned into a beautiful sweet girl.

"I'm dreaming," thought the farmers.

" Don't be afraid, I am also a human like you. I owe you because you have been save me from the curse," said that's girl.

"My name is Puteri, I don't mind to be your wife," said the girl seems urgent.

That's farmers nodded. And they become husband and wife. But, there was a promise that must be agreed, that is they should not talk about the origin of a fish Princess. If that promise abandoned, then there will be a terrible accident.

After reaching the village , the villagers became excited, to see beautiful girl with farmers.

"She may be a woman came down from heaven," they said.

The farmers feel very happy and peaceful. As a good husband, he continues to work hard for continuance of his life with farming. Because hard work, the farmers are living without a shortfall in his life. Many people are jealous, and they spread the ugly suspicion that could topple the success of farmers.

"I know that farmers must keep the evil spirit!" Someone said to her friends.
It was up to the ear Farmer and Puteri. But they do not feel offended, even the more diligent work.

A year later, Farmer and his wife happiness increases, because the farmer's wife give birth a male baby. He gave the name of his son Putera. Their happiness does not make them forget themselves. Son grow into a healthy and strong child's. He was a sweet child but scampish. He had a habit of making wonder both parents, that is always feeling hungry. Food should be eaten 3 people can eat their own.

After all, the Son always make irritated his father. If in order to help working parents, he always refused. Farmer's wife always reminds farmers that are patient with their child behavior.

"Yes, I will be patient, even though,, he was our children!" Farmer said to his wife.

"Thanks God!,, You think like that. You is a good husband and a good father," praised Puteri to her husband.

Indeed, people say,, patience is no limit. This is experienced by the farmers. One day, Putera get a job deliver food and drink to the field where his father is working. But Putera does not fulfill its tasks. The farmer wait his son comes, while holding thirsty and hungry. He immediately returned to the house. The Farmer see Putera playing ball. Farmers became angry while pinch ear his son.

"Scallywag! Not know themselves! Son of fish!" curse of the farmers, without conscious have the word taboo is.

After the farmers say the words, then and there the child and his wife disappeared. disappear without trace and former. Impressions of the former legs, sudden gush of water which is very swift and the downpours. Farmers village and all the surrounding villages submerged. Overflow water is very high, so wide and formed a lake. Lake was eventually known as Lake Toba. While small island in the middle known as Samosir Island.

Folklore from Sumatra Utara

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

English Remedial Test

A. Change into passive voice

1. Mrs. K asked them to pay the school fee in time.
  ~ They were asked to pay the school fee in time.

2. Should we do the remedial test in a piece of paper?
  ~ Should the remedial test be done in a piece of paper?

3. You must not forget to write your name.
  ~ Your name must not be forgotten to write.

4. Are you speaking English during the English class?
  ~ Is English being spoken during the English class?

5. She crossed the answers several times.
  ~ The answers were crossed several times.

6. We have finished doing our task before other students.
  ~ Our task has been finished doing before other students.

7. Will you be waiting for them all day long?
  ~ Will they be being waited for all day long?

8. We celebrated the 47th anniversary of our school yesterday.
  ~ The 47th anniversary of our school was celebrated yesterday.

9. They were having dinner when suddenly the stove exploded.
  ~ Dinner was being had when suddenly the stove exploded.

10. The teacher had punished them for something they did not do.
  ~ They had been punished for something they did not do.

B. Change into active voice

11. We are invited for lunch by the headmaster.
  ~ The headmaster invites us for lunch.

12. Many students are being given the English remedial test by Mr. T.
  ~ Mr. T is giving many students the English remedial test.

13. Was English being studied diligently by them last night?
  ~ Were they studying English diligently last night?

14. This test has been being finished in 45 minutes by the students.
  ~ The students have been finishing this test in 45 minutes.

15. Have they been being taught math by Mr. Good for three years?
  ~ Has Mr. Good been teaching them math for three years?

C.Change into passive voice (two object)

16. Has Mr. Fajar been showing them his new blog?
  ~ Have they been being shown his new blog?
  ~ Has his new blog been being shown to them?

17. They do not ask her several questions.
  ~ She is not asked several questions.
  ~ Several questions are not asked to her.

18. Has Mrs. Nanik been reading us another story?
  ~ Have we been read another story?
  ~ Has another story been being read to us?

19. Didn’t he tell you the school regulation?
  ~ Weren’t you told the school regulation?
  ~ Wasn’t the school regulation told to you?

20. We were introducing him our pretty sisters last night.
  ~ He was being introduced to our pretty sisters last night.
  ~ Our pretty sisters were being introduced to him last night.

English Test 1

  A.  Change into passive voice

1. Mr. T tells us to close our notebooks.
   ~ We are told to close our notebooks by Mr. T.

2. We must write this test in a piece of paper.

  ~ This test must be written in a piece of paper.

3. I should not forget my name too.

  ~ My name should not be forgotten too.

4. The students speak English during the English class.

  ~ English is spoken during the English class.

5. Did anyone ask any question about me?

~ Were any question asked about me?

6. I cannot do this test during the time given.

  ~ This test cannot be done during the time given.

7. We have been waiting for him all day long.

  ~ He has been being waited for all day long.

8. Mr. Jack has invited you to lunch tomorrow.

  ~ You have been invited by Mr. Jack to lunch tomorrow.

9. The students did not do the English test easily.

 ~ The English test was not be done easily by the students.

10. Must you check the answer before you give it back.

  ~ Must the answer be checked before you give it back?

11. We are doing the passive test in the multimedia room.

 ~ The passive test is being done in multimedia room by us.

12. Would you join the remedial test if you got bad mark again?

  ~ Would the remedial test be joined by you if you got bad mark again?

  B. Change into active voice

13. The white board has been cleaned by you.
 ~ You have cleans the white board.

14. The interview will be done in this room by us.

 ~ We will do the interview in this room.

15. English was being studied diligently by them last night.

 ~ They were studying English diligently last night.

16. This test must be finished in 45 minutes by the students.

 ~ The students must finish this test in 45 minutes.

17. We have been being taught math by Mr. Sus for three years.

 ~ Mr. Sus has been teaching math us for three years.

18. Will the coming UAN test be being faced by you in the month of April?

 ~ Will you be facing the UAN test in the month of April?

19. The vocabulary book should be submitted by us this morning.

 ~ We should submitte the vocabulary boo this morning.

20. Batik shirt must be worn by the students on Friday.

 ~ The students must wear batik shirt on Friday.

  C. Change into passive vioce (two object)

21. Mr. Fajar is showing us his new blog.
~ We are being shown his new blog.

~ His new blog is being shown to us.

22. They will be asking her several questions.

~ She will be being asked by them several questions.

~ Several questions will be being asked by them to her.

23. Mrs. Nanik has been reading them another story.

~ They have been being read another story by Mrs. Nanik.

~ Another story has been being read by Mrs. Nanik to them.

24. Does he tell you the new law of Archimedes?

~ Are you told by him the new law of Archimedes?

~ Is the new law of Archimedes told by him to you?

25. We should have given him our new projects before he came here.

~ He should have been be given our new projects before he came here.

~ Our new projects should have been be given him before he came here.

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Arti Cinta Dalam Islam

Kata pujangga cinta letaknya di hati. Meskipun tersembunyi, namun getarannya tampak sekali. Ia mampu mempengaruhi pikiran sekaligus mengendalikan tindakan. Sungguh, Cinta dapat mengubah pahit menjadi manis, debu beralih emas, keruh menjadi bening, sakit menjadi sembuh, penjara menjadi telaga, derita menjadi nikmat, dan kemarahan menjadi rahmat. Cintalah yang mampu melunakkan besi, menghancurkan batu karang, membangkitkan yang mati dan meniupkan kehidupan padanya serta membuat budak menjadi pemimpin. Inilah dasyatnya cinta (Jalaluddin Rumi).

Namun hati-hati juga dengan cinta, karena cinta juga dapat membuat orang sehat menjadi sakit, orang gemuk menjadi kurus, orang normal menjadi gila, orang kaya menjadi miskin, raja menjadi budak, jika cintanya itu disambut oleh para pecinta palsu. Cinta yang tidak dilandasi kepada Allah. Itulah para pecinta dunia, harta dan wanita. Dia lupa akan cinta Allah, cinta yang begitu agung, cinta yang murni.

Cinta Allah cinta yang tak bertepi. Jikalau sudah mendapatkan cinta-Nya, dan manisnya bercinta dengan Allah, tak ada lagi keluhan, tak ada lagi tubuh lesu, tak ada tatapan kuyu. Yang ada adalah tatapan optimis menghadapi segala cobaan, dan rintangan dalam hidup ini. Tubuh yang kuat dalam beribadah dan melangkah menggapai cita-cita tertinggi yakni syahid di jalan-Nya.

Tak jarang orang mengaku mencintai Allah, dan sering orang mengatakan mencitai Rasulullah, tapi bagaimana mungkin semua itu diterima Allah tanpa ada bukti yang diberikan, sebagaimana seorang arjuna yang mengembara, menyebarangi lautan yang luas, dan mendaki puncak gunung yang tinggi demi mendapatkan cinta seorang wanita. Bagaimana mungkin menggapai cinta Allah, tapi dalam pikirannya selalu dibayang-bayangi oleh wanita/pria yang dicintai. Tak mungkin dalam satu hati dipenuhi oleh dua cinta. Salah satunya pasti menolak, kecuali cinta yang dilandasi oleh cinta pada-Nya.

Di saat Allah menguji cintanya, dengan memisahkanya dari apa yang membuat dia lalai dalam mengingat Allah, sering orang tak bisa menerimanya. Di saat Allah memisahkan seorang gadis dari calon suaminya, tak jarang gadis itu langsung lemah dan terbaring sakit. Di saat seorang suami yang istrinya dipanggil menghadap Ilahi, sang suami pun tak punya gairah dalam hidup. Di saat harta yang dimiliki hangus terbakar, banyak orang yang hijrah kerumah sakit jiwa, semua ini adalah bentuk ujian dari Allah, karena Allah ingin melihat seberapa dalam cinta hamba-Nya pada-Nya. Allah menginginkan bukti, namun sering orang pun tak berdaya membuktikannya, justru sering berguguran cintanya pada Allah, disaat Allah menarik secuil nikmat yang dicurahkan-Nya.

Itu semua adalah bentuk cinta palsu, dan cinta semu dari seorang makhluk terhadap Khaliknya. Padahal semuanya sudah diatur oleh Allah, rezki, maut, jodoh, dan langkah kita, itu semuanya sudah ada suratannya dari Allah, tinggal bagi kita mengupayakan untuk menjemputnya. Amat merugi manusia yang hanya dilelahkan oleh cinta dunia, mengejar cinta makhluk, memburu harta dengan segala cara, dan enggan menolong orang yang papah. Padahal nasib di akhirat nanti adalah ditentukan oleh dirinya ketika hidup didunia, Bersungguh-sungguh mencintai Allah, ataukah terlena oleh dunia yang fana ini. Jika cinta kepada selain Allah, melebihi cinta pada Allah, merupakan salah satu penyebab do’a tak terijabah.

Bagaimana mungkin Allah mengabulkan permintaan seorang hamba yang merintih menengadah kepada Allah di malam hari, namun ketika siang muncul, dia pun melakukan maksiat.
Bagaimana mungkin do’a seorang gadis ingin mendapatkan seorang laki-laki sholeh terkabulkan, sedang dirinya sendiri belum sholehah.

Bagaimana mungkin do’a seorang hamba yang mendambakan rumah tangga sakinah, sedang dirinya masih diliputi oleh keegoisan sebagai pemimpin rumah tangga..
Bagaimana mungkin seorang ibu mendambakan anak-anak yang sholeh, sementara dirinya disibukkan bekerja di luar rumah sehingga pendidikan anak terabaikan, dan kasih sayang tak dicurahkan. 

Bagaimana mungkin keinginan akan bangsa yang bermartabat dapat terwujud, sedangkan diri pribadi belum bisa menjadi contoh teladan

Banyak orang mengaku cinta pada Allah dan Allah hendak menguji cintanya itu. Namun sering orang gagal membuktikan cintanya pada sang Khaliq, karena disebabkan secuil musibah yang ditimpakan padanya. Yakinlah wahai saudaraku kesenangan dan kesusahan adalah bentuk kasih sayang dan cinta Allah kepada hambanya yang beriman…

Dengan kesusahan, Allah hendak memberikan tarbiyah terhadap ruhiyah kita, agar kita sadar bahwa kita sebagai makhluk adalah bersifat lemah, kita tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa kecuali atas izin-Nya. Saat ini tinggal bagi kita membuktikan, dan berjuang keras untuk memperlihatkan cinta kita pada Allah, agar kita terhindar dari cinta palsu. 

Dan Allah tidak akan menyia-nyiakan hambanya yang betul-betul berkorban untuk Allah Untuk membuktikan cinta kita pada Allah, ada beberapa hal yang perlu kita persiapkan yaitu:

1) Iman yang kuat
2) Ikhlas dalam beramal
3) Mempersiapkan kebaikan Internal dan eksternal. kebaikan internal yaitu berupaya keras untuk melaksanakan ibadah wajib dan sunah. Seperti qiyamulail, shaum sunnah, bacaan Al-qur’an dan haus akan ilmu. 
Sedangkan kebaikan eksternal adalah buah dari ibadah yang kita lakukan pada Allah, dengan keistiqamahan mengaplikasikannya dalam setiap langkah, dan tarikan nafas disepanjang hidup ini. Dengan demikian InsyaAllah kita akan menggapai cinta dan keridhaan-Nya.

Lebih Sehat Karena Bernyanyi

Tak hanya melepas penat, bernyanyi juga bisa membuat seseorang lebih sehat. Hal itu terungkap dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh ilmuwan asal Universitas Harvard, Amerika Serikat.

Dikutip dari Genius Beauty, para peneliti melakukan penelitian terhadap pasien-pasien rumah sakit di Amerika Serikat. Dalam proses penyembuhannya, para pasien itu diminta untuk menghafalkan lagu, serta bernyanyi dengan jadwal yang teratur.

Penelitian itu membuktikan, mereka yang bernyanyi mengalami proses pemulihan yang lebih cepat dibandingkan pasien yang lain. Tak hanya itu, pasien-pasien yang rutin bernyanyi juga mengaku tak merasakan rasa sakit yang biasa mereka rasakan sebelum rutin bernyanyi.

Lebih lanjut para ahli menjelaskan apa yang terjadi saat manusia bernyanyi. Ternyata saat bernyanyi, tubuh mengalami peningkatan asupan oksigen, sehingga peredaran darah menjadi lancar. Tak hanya itu, pada saat bernyanyi otot dan syaraf manusia juga menjadi lebih santai dan mengendur. Hal itu yang menyebabkan rasa sakit hilang dan seseorang menjadi lebih sehat.

Yuk bernyanyi! :D

Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan

Andai aku bisa kembali
Aku tidak ingin ada tangisan di dunia ini

Andai aku bisa kembali
Aku berharap tidak ada lagi hal yang sama terjadi padaku,
terjadi pada orang lain

Bolehkah aku menulis surat kecil untuk-Mu

Bolehkah aku memohon satu hal kecil untuk-Mu

Biarkanlah aku dapat melihat dg mataku
Untuk memandang langit dan bulan setiap harinya

Ijinkanlah rambutku kembali tumbuh, agar aku bisa
menjadi wanita seutuhnya

Bolehkah aku tersenyum lebih lama lagi
Agar aku bisa memberikan kebahagiaan
Kepada ayah dan sahabat-sahabatku

Berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk menjadi dewasa
Agar aku bisa memberikan arti hidup
Kepada siapapun yg mengenalku

Surat kecil ini adl surat terakhir dlm hidupku
Andai aku bisa kembali

Ke dunia yang Kau berikan padaku..